Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Benefits coffee for women skin and hair

Coffee Benefits For Beauty Women
Coffee Benefits For Beauty Women
Coffee is a drink that is very widespread. The number of fans who drink made from coffee beans processed with this bitter taste tends to be favored by people from all over the world since time immemorial. Proven by numerous coffee shops and various coffee concoctions recipes that exist in various parts of the world.

Seeds dark brown is known for its high caffeine content, since it is commonly used as a refreshing drink of the body, especially for those who are being hit by drowsiness. You yourself must have been trying to overcome the drowsiness with caffeine in coffee.

But in addition to functioning as a drinks busting drowsiness, lately of coffee is also utilized for body and face care. Many beauty products circulating in the market that adds content of coffee in it. Because the grain on this one is indeed efficacious for beauty.

Here we show some efficacy of coffee for the beauty that is summarized from a Style Craze.

1. Ward off free radicals

Antioxidants in coffee beans handy for fight free radicals that can cause a range of skin problems, including premature aging, cancer, and acne. "It's the caffeine in coffee extracts are often featured as extra content in the night cream. You can also get these benefits by creating its own mask from a coffee mixed with a few drops of olive oil.

2. Relieve inflammation

Caffeine does have many benefits. In addition it contains antioxidants, caffeine in coffee also has the function of ant-inflammatory, so can be used to relieve the inflammation on the skin while cooling it. It is also suitable for cool skin sunburn.

3. Adopts the eye pouch

The caffeine in coffee to overcome powerful dark circles under the eyes. Use ground coffee that has been mixed with a little water to the bottom eye compresses an unused blackened. Do routinely and eye bags will fade slowly.

4. Disguise the anti-cellulite

Want to know the secrets of the actress Halle Berry to get perfect skin free of cellulite? The ground coffee. The caffeine in coffee is indeed effective to disguise the appearance of cellulite. You can simply use a cellulite body scrub for regularly. Do a massage with circular motion for a few minutes on the surface of the skin, especially on the most part a lot of cellulite. In addition to the break down of fat clot on the surface of the skin, that ground coffee will also lift the dead skin cells.

5. Nourish hair

Who would have thought that the caffeine in coffee is also effective to nourish hair? Caffeine can stimulate hair growth and strengthens the hair roots. To get the benefits, you can use the BREW coffee as the water rinse after shampooing

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