Friday, August 29, 2014

Four years With Coffee Can Lower the Risk of Diabetes.

Coffee Lover
Coffee Lover
Good news for fans of coffee. A study reveals that drinking more than a cup of coffee every day for four years can lower the risk of diabetes. While adults who consume less coffee per day increased the risk of diabetes.

This result was obtained by investigators after observing 123.000 adults. Researchers from the Harvard School of Public Health found the existence of a link between a dose of coffee is consumed with the risk of diabetes. The research team conducted observations during the years 1986-1991-2006 and 2007.

Researchers found that people who increase their coffee consumption more than one cup for four years experienced a decrease in risk of developing type-2 diabetes up to 11 percent. While those who consumed less than one cup of coffee per day increased the risk of having diabetes by up to 17 percent.

"Basically, consuming more coffee lowers risk of type-2 diabetes. People who consume three to five glasses a day every day is known to kopu has decreased risk of developing type-2 diabetes, "says Dr. Frank Hu, Chairman of the researchers, as reported by the by (24/04).

However, that does not mean people can consume coffee in an amount very much without being careful. Hu cautioned that people should still be cautious with caffeine in the coffee. Caffeine is a stimulant can speed up the heart rate and make the hard bed.

Hu also revealed that investigators are not sure what components in coffee that might lower the risk of type-2 diabetes. Researchers estimate that it is influenced by the antioxidants and nutrients that are present in coffee and could reduce the risk of diabetes. The study also did not show a direct relationship between drinking coffee with insulin levels. While the insulin itself is used to mark the disease diabetes.

According to Hu, the people cannot rely on coffee to ward off diabetes. People should still pay attention to diet, lifestyle, and diligent exercising in order to avoid the sugar disease.

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