Thursday, August 28, 2014

Coffee Also Has Some Benefits For Health

Coffee Also Has Some Benefits For Health
Coffee Also Has Some Benefits For Health
The coffee can so it's not the healthiest drink you can consume. But it's also not that coffee could not provide benefits for your health. The research revealed that there are many health benefits associated with coffee.

Coffee not only can improve mood and make you excited back in the day or early evening. Coffee also has some benefits for health. Here are five reasons why consuming coffee is good for your health, as offered by Health Me Up (21/05).

1. increase the power of the brain.

Research suggests that coffee consumption can lower the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, dementia, Parkinson 's, and most striking of the human brain. This is one of them due to the antioxidants in coffee. These antioxidants help prevent damage to brain cells.

2. heart health

Coffee is one of the sources of antioxidants that quite a lot. These antioxidants help to suppress and prevent inflammation in the arteries and increases the heart rate. Antioxidants on kopu also enable nitric oxide can dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. However, keep in mind that consuming coffee to taste is very important. Don't be too excessive.

3. increase metabolism

A study concluded that coffee can stimulate metabolism. People who are accustomed to drinking coffee might very small to hit by obesity due to their high metabolic rate.

4. the headache

Researchers reveal that since coffee can help boost activity in the brain, then automatically the, coffee can also help relieve the pain of a headache. This is especially if the headaches caused by tertekannya blood vessels. Consuming 200 milligrams of coffee can be very effective for treating headaches, migraine events.

5. lower the risk of diabetes

Bitter coffee that is also known to lower the risk of type-2 diabetes. Antioxidants in coffee helps to increase the sensitivity of cells to insulin. In the end this will help to regulate blood sugar.

That's a few reasons why coffee is good for the health of the body. When in normal size, consumption due to excessively will cause side effects for the coffee connoisseur

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